Scope of Photography in Pakistan

Feb 16, 2023

Since last 5 years, the scope of photography in Pakistan has increased dramatically. Nowadays, every other household has someone who wants a camera to capture breathing photos and videos. People want photography not only as a hobby but also a career choice. Most Youngsters wants to go this way because they believe this is the fastest way to fame, and adults see it as a way to showcase the beauty around them. There are views as many as people around us, and the fact remains that photography is a hot topic nowadays, and everyone wants a piece of it.  
The demand for good photographers in Pakistan is also increasing, and as we all know that becoming one is not easy. The road to photography is rough, but you can make it smooth by having quality equipment helping you along the way. Pakistan has no shortage of beautiful places, and since we got rid of the terrorism situation, it has become a center point for endless possibilities. The places like Kashmir had limited access to the outside world are now available to explore. Pakistan is such a beautiful country that people want to dig deeper from north to south, and east to west. The only way is a quality camera and an interest in photography.

Choosing Photography as a Career in Pakistan?

There is not one but many reasons for choosing photography. It can take you to places that no other profession can in a short time. Many hobbyists turned professionals tell their story of a photo that changed their life and made them who they are. A degree in similar area matters, but not necessary to start a career in this field. You just need an artistic sense, and you are good to go. Because of the culture in Pakistan, the area of photography is mostly dominated by males, but the figure is changing, and females are coming forward in both rural and urban cities. With a quality camera and sense of your surroundings, you can take one of these as your career in Pakistan. 

1. News Photography

The situation Pakistan is going through, news photography is one of the areas where you can shine. Popular news channels prefer individuals who can capture a photo worth a thousand word because that is how many words a story needs. You can start a YouTube channel or share photos and videos of events going around you. The news doesn’t have to be a hot topic, as long as there is something new, your work will be recognized.

2. Feature Photography

It means describing an event or a story through a series of images, hence giving as much knowledge about a subject as possible. It can be a travel series, sports, wildlife, or any other niche. Once you have identified what you want to do, stick to it, and be consistent.

3. Industrial Photography

These people showcase merchandise with new twists and turns. Organizations hire people who can take quality photographs of exteriors and interiors of factories, their machinery, and products. There is a long list of things these photographers do, but the only problem is that it is difficult to succeed, and once you have made a reputation, you will go a long way.

4. Events Photography

Not like the west, Pakistan is all about flashy weddings, birthdays, and local events. You can be the type of photographer capturing these events. Local photographers don't pay attention to detail, and if you can rise above what's already in the market, you will definitely succeed.

5. Photo Studios/Advertising Photography

Looking at the way advertising is all over the social media and search engines, there is a need for quality photos and videos. A hefty amount of advertising-photographers are freelancers, and they get paid a good amount for their efforts. To succeed, you have to be creative and know the local norms from the heart. In the old days, photo studios were rare, but since the scope of photography in Pakistan is moving upwards, more people are getting into this.

6. Fashion Photography

The industry is widely criticized in Pakistan, but if you are someone who understands what's acceptable and what's not, you can be a great fashion photographer in Pakistan. The fashion industry is highly influenced by India, but there are photographers who know how to come up with a fashion that suits Pakistan.

7. Wildlife Photography

In western countries like the US, wildlife photography thrives, but in Pakistan, it is relatively new and gaining momentum. Photographers are coming out of their shells and showing what little wildlife left in Pakistan. This one area is still moving at a slow pace, but you can make it big there if you have got the eye for it. 

8. Scientific Photography

Pakistan is one of the countries where scientific photography is going at a slow pace. Areas like engineering, biology, chemistry, medicine, and more need a thorough investigation with the camera. You can work with organizations on different assignments, or independently investigate the environment, fields, climate, and more.

9. Aerial and Fine Arts Photography

Fine arts and Aerial photography are not connected, but we thought about putting them together. You have to scroll around BnW collection’s website to find a drone for aerial photography. There are so many beautiful landscapes, events, sceneries, and buildings that you won’t run out of subjects for aerial photography in Pakistan. 
Fine art photography gives you the freedom and makes you creative, as you capture art. Pakistan is full of art, music, and literature. There are so many artistic things around; there will always be an idea available to you for your next adventure.


The scope of photography in Pakistan is on the rise, and we thought about mentioning areas, one of which can be your career choice. You can be a self-employed or a freelancer; you can take photographs and sell to agencies. The only thing you need is an individuality to stand out in a crowd. If you ever find photography interesting and you want a camera to get started, BnW collection can help you.    

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