What Contributes To The Best Results In Product Photography!
When we talk about product photography, we clearly mean photographing a certain product with a clear background so that there would not be any distraction and all attention of viewers should go on the product only. No doubt, the experience of product photography is a fun, yet it holds a worthy place when you have to shop some products online via an eCommerce store. With good product photographs, you can easily enhance your listings and grow your sales.
Everyone who has an eShop or has started an online business, must be aware of the need of product photography. Regardless to which industry are you in, to sell something online, you should have quality product pictures on your site. Every online buyer likes to buy a product only after checking through the pictures online. Hence, if you don’t have a physical store to sell the products of your company, then take help of product photography and enhance your business efforts positively.
As we see product photography holds a respectable place in the business world, it is highly important to consider various elements that make a perfect product photography. There are several factors that contribute mutually to bring out the best results in product photography and help businesses get revenue as expected. Here, we are going to highlight every important aspect of product photography to make you aware of the importance of it in this time.
What Is The Need Of Product Photography Shot By Professional Photographer –
When someone tries to sell a product online, he does not only sell the product, but here he sells the complete lifestyle that is related to that product. Having a capability to photograph a product or service that a customer would require can actually be a tricky thing for many. Here comes the role of a professional photographer as he knows the right way to set up the right shot from organizing products, lighting scene to edit the last picture to deliver the maximum satisfaction to the end customers.
So, our idea here is that you cannot get desired results from photos clicked unprofessionally with your smartphone, as you can have from the photos clicked by professional photographer. An experience product photographer knows how to take a photo that it looks great. Hence, if you need crisp shots of your product, then take help of a professional product photographer.
Where To Use Product Photography –
Product photography can be used for websites, billboards, magazines, online stores or anywhere from where you target your audience. In addition, today, people use product photography for their biodata and business portfolios as well. With professionally clicked product photographs, they can showcase their products to prospective clients and can influence them for hiring.
How Product Photography Enhances The Online Store –
When one takes help of the web for business, photos plays the vital role. It is because every buyer likes to check the product photos from different angles before making the final decision to buy that product. And the photo quality helps the buyers to determine the professionalism and reputation of the online seller.
By adding crisp, well presented and clean product photos, you can make a reliable and professional image of your business in front of your buyers, clients and associates. Thus, this approach puts a great influence on the overall business sales.
Product photography can do a magic to enhance the sales of your business; however, to get the optimum results, you should understand that it is not a cup of tea for everyone. The product photography involves several tools and equipment that are only known to professional photographers. Here are some important tools and photography solutions used in product photography to capture the best product shots.
Use of Backdrop –
To set a perfect area for ideal product photography, the professionals use backdrop against a wall. The backdrop is made of a large piece of card in white colour and attaches its one end to a table and another end to the wall. Make sure that the card should have a curvy bend where it should go vertically from the wall and horizontally from the table. This will eliminate the card creasing. This way, you can have a white clear background to have great product photography.
Lighting Solutions –
In product photography, flashes or lights play a great role as it light up the entire background as well as the product. For this purpose, two setup for lighting can do a wonderful job. In addition, you should have power to adjust, size, shape, power and position the lighting to get desired feel in your product photos.
For lighting, the use of small speedlights, hot lamps or full size flashes or strobes can be great, but for that you should have control on power output. For light diffusion, there are multiple accessories that professional photographers use like reflector, reflective umbrella, softbox and shoot photo through umbrella. These accessories can be attached to the light stands or even lights. The light diffusion brings out the exact detailing and texture in a product without much clipped highlights and harsh shadows.
When you use flash unit to add required light to the product photography, you should get a solution for flash triggering. For this purpose, the use of sync cords of flash is the best as it can be linked to the camera or also to radio triggers.
Positioning –
After setting up perfect backdrop, next is correction position of the products. For this purpose, the product has to be positioned on the backdrop and then, set the camera on the tripod. The ideal focal length for perfect product photography is 35 to 100 mm as it gives the right working distance within the product and the camera. Before taking final shots, take few test shots, set the light brightness as required and perfectly position lights for captivating light effects.
Reflections –
If you want to add reflection under your product, you should use a Perspex plastic to be placed under the product. Shoot photos from the slight angle for adding reflection to your image. Take several shots of product from various angles and few detail shots as well. Once you set the lighting rightly, capturing additional photographs will only be a case to change the product position or adjusting camera position a bit.
Details Of The Product –
As per the product size, the need of the macro lens may get raised to take detailed shots. These macro lenses are mainly designed to enable the photographers to focus at near distances and also maintain sharpness as with other normal lenses, the photo quality may sometime get degraded from short distances.
Use Of Gear –
Perhaps, you may find it an expensive trade to buy speedlights, strobes, light stands or diffusers, yet there is certainty that they make a great difference to the product photography. If you run a business, quality product photographs can be a great contributor to increase your sales. If you are a new in photography world, then these accessories can add a great enhancement to your overall photography skills by improving your photography like portrait photography, macro photography and product photography at a great extent. It is actually a good investment for any budding photographer.
Final Words –
After evaluating various aspects of product photography, we have clearly found that product photography is a specialization that is quite different from normal photography. There are multiple tools that has to be used if you want to get amazing photographs of your company products. It is a fact that by using various accessories as mentioned in this article, one can have magical photographs that would surely contribute to enhance the overall sales of a company and grab more business.
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